AWH Autumn Feast

AWH Autumn Feast Food Plot Seed is a real attractant for deer providing them with a succulent forage in the late fall and winter with clovers returning in the spring. This can be planted in the spring, but the turnips and the rape seed provide the best late fall and winter forage when planted in the late summer and early fall. Seed at 10 LBs per acre or 2.5 lbs. per ¼ acre.

10% Buck Brand Ladino Clover, 10% White Clover, 10% DC990 Brand Red Clover, 20% DCS Wildlife Rape, 15% Purple Top Turnip, 15% Bayou Forage Brassica, 20% Hunter Forage Brassica 2.5 lb bag and no inert matter.

  2.5 lbs (¼ acre) per unit

Price: $16.00

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