AWH and Grandpa Ray’s Ultimate Deer Mineral

GPA Ray's Mineral Bag GPA Ray's Mineral Tag

AWH has teamed up with Grandpa Ray's Ultimate Deer Mineral!! This mineral mix has been developed for over 20 years by one of the most knowledgeable deer guys I know, John O'Brion.  His mix was similar to what we have been using for the last 15 year, but his is just better.  He has added Magnesium and Selenium to the mix. It is just a better overall mix for the deer's health and they love it!! This mixture of vitamins,  salt,  mineral, and selenium will give the deer all the nutrients they need. This mineral mixture will supplement the deer when they need it the most, while the bucks are growing their antlers and the does are lactating with their fawns. If you want your buck to grow big antlers, and the does to give better nutrition to their fawns, give them more minerals then they can get from their daily forage. The heat of the summer months will take its toll on the deer, and we do not want to have anything to keep the deer from losing any type of growth because of lack of nutrients. $20 for a 25# bag.

Our mineral mix has only 20% salt in it. We feel this is the perfect balance of salt and it is "not" filled with 50% or more salt like a lot of other mineral mixes. Plus some other mixes put less salt in their mixes but to attract the deer you need some salt and we feel this is the perfect percentage of salt possible to get all the benefits without overloading it.

  25 lbs per unit

Price: $20.00

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